Wednesday, March 7, 2012

What type of candy is the best type to get when you go trick or treating?

The kind that can be worn.

Ask me anything

What's the last TV show you watched? What did you like about it?

The River. The suspense.

Ask me anything

October is pumpkin season: What's your favorite pumpkin treat?

Pumpkins? Yuck.

Ask me anything

Do you have an Android phone? Did you know we have a sweet new Android app? Check it out!

Yeah I know and I think I already have it.

Ask me anything

Do you spend a lot of money or are you good at saving? If you're good at saving, what tricks do you use?

I'm doing better at saving. I was once a big spender.

Ask me anything

Who is the last person you IMed with? What did you chat about?

Megan. Catching up.

Ask me anything

What's your favorite memory from this summer?

Nothing stands out.

Ask me anything

How did you celebrate your last birthday?

It was just another day so I worked.

Ask me anything

Do you have a special diet like vegetarian, halal, kosher, gluten-free, etc? How long have you kept it for?

Not really.

Ask me anything

What's one thing you want to do before the end of 2011?

Um. Too late...

Ask me anything

What's the last funny video you watched online?

The pilot episode of Glee.

Ask me anything

What's the title to the TV show about your life?

If they only knew...

Ask me anything

Do you think the glass is always half full or always half empty? Are you an optimist or a pessimist?

I'm a realist. I see it as both half full and half empty.

Ask me anything

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Telephone industry pushes to end landline service in Kentucky

Telephone industry pushes to end landline service in Kentucky This is what happens with deregulation. I realize most of us have made the switch to using just cell phones, but for many poor and elderly customers in rural communities that isn't an option.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Between the Hunger Games, Harry Potter & The Twilight Saga, which is your favorite?

I haven't really heard much about the Hunger Games. I never watched Harry Potter. Twilight was okay, but not really my cup of tea.

Ask me anything

Saturday, February 11, 2012

New Social Media Site: Zurker

There is an interesting new social media site called Zurker.  I suggest everyone should check it out.  It gives you the opportunity at this point at least to own what are called vshares in the company:   Check it out for more details.